Thursday, January 26, 2012

Going to Hell with Swag

We sometimes believe that we are invincible. 
We are sometimes told that everything is possible
if  we set our mind on our goals

I love that philosophy ....

but some days, we feel that nothing is possible
things get out of control and shit start flowing
and we feel like hell is coming
despite our hard work or simply 
because we did not try hard enough 
But, what do we do when shit happens and hell is coming our way?                                                          
should we give up and stop living the life because of our problems?                  

Depriving ourselves of joy will not make our life any better.If we are already in deep shit, we might as well get there with a happy heart! If we are already going through a hell of problems, what could be worse?

Do you agree with me? How do you deal with the problems that are beyond your control? How do you deal with them when it was you who did not put enough effort?

The next entry will consist of some of the shit that people say and that can make us laugh during a shitty day.


The Art of Writing Bad Poetry

Some days are shitty, some days are great. 
¡I have no miracle for shitty days!(Mexican accent)
but I know that laughter can be a great aphrodisiac for these shitty days

Ever feel the joy of having a job, going to work  ?
¡but as you get to your desk, shit happens!(Yelling like a Mexicant)
coworkers, managers,strangers give you a shitty look

Every day could be great, every day could be bad
but your entourage tell you shitty things 
¡making you feel like a piece of shit ! No bueno mama. 

Ever thought that some days you might feel like a piece of shit because you surrender yourself with shitheads?
Make your shitty day a better day by changing your entourage  
Make your shitty day better by reading some of the shits that people say

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome to our blog. This is my space and your space to write and talk about everything and anything. This is where you come to read all the funny, silly, sarcastic, and ironic shit that people say online, on the street, and in heaven. 

Leave some comments to let me know how I am doing. I love criticism ! Positive or negative.